Wednesday 10 July 2013

Porky Rice Noodle (by G)

I was really unsure what to have for dinner tonight - it consumed most of my mental energy.  In the end I just wandered around the super-market and picked up some things that I thought would go together.

I fried off some pork pieces with cumin, garam masala and paprika then added some chunks of spring onion, sliced red onion, a quarter red capsicum, some finely chopped coriander stems, dried chilli flakes then added vegetable stock and some left over coconut milk.  Later on I added some lime juice, then a little bit of fish sauce because it was not quite right - then I added just a dash of cream to soften it a bit.  The last thing I added was some ketjap manis to round out the flavour... actually the last thing I added were some flat rice noodles.

Normally when I try to balance out the flavour of things I end up adding so many contrasting flavours that the result is quite grey on the taste-buds but I did okay tonight I think and used up some left over things.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I was hoping for one of two dinners to appear tonight and I pretty well got to eat a perfect combination of the two. I love pork and noodles....which was delivered, and dinner had flavours reminiscent of last nights meal which was fucking tasty.

It was the second time I've licked my plate since G and I started the blog. If that's not a commendation I don't know what is.