Wednesday 2 April 2014

Bacon Hock Tortillas (by G)

As the one year anniversary of the blog I thought I should go to a bit of effort for dinner tonight. Not a lot of effort, just a bit.

Biggs seems to like bacon flavoured things so I thought bacon hock tortillas might be an interesting idea. I don't think it is a real thing, nor would I care to check if it is.

All I did is take one bacon hock and simmer it in water for about 2 1/2 hours - then chop the meat up for serving. I thought maybe bacon hock could be a bit greasy so I made a Roy Choi inspired sauce and Roy Choi inspired Korean style coleslaw.  I say Roy Choi inspired because I wrote all the ingredients down but got a bit confused which ingredients went with which other things.

The sauce I made by blending garlic, ginger, coriander, red onion, salt, lime juice and rice wine vinegar.

The coleslaw I made by mixing soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, Korean red bean paste, sugar, ginger and garlic and stirring though some left over packet coleslaw (with some fine chopped red onion mixed through).  I was going to make the flour tortillas, but that would have been a bit too much effort - even for an anniversary meal.

I was enjoying the complex flavours of this one - until Biggs pointed out that it tasted like a ham and coleslaw wrap - which it did.  That's not necessarily a bad thing though.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I do like bacon flavoured things. Dinner was yummy.

Happy Birthday, Tortilla Tuesday!