Friday 18 April 2014

Corned Beef Salad (by G)

After eating a lot of cheese last night - and another light snack of cheese today I thought maybe it would be a good idea to have some vegetables.  Just vegetables is not too much fun so I decided to cook up some corned beef to have with them.

I simmered the raw corned beef in water with onion, celery, carrot, black pepper corns, coriander seeds, Szechuan pepper corns, caraway seeds and fresh thyme for an hour and a half - then chilled it.

I didn't make too much effort with the salad - just cucumber, celery, cos lettuce and carrot.  I had meant to add some tomato as well but forgot, or perhaps I subliminally didn't want to add anything that doesn't begin with a 'c'.  Apparently I don't have any mustard pickle or mayonnaise so I served the salad with thousand island dressing, which was very successful.

This dinner may well have been a life saver, and the corned beef was excellent.

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