Saturday 5 April 2014

Beer Battered Fish and Chips (by Biggs)

I had half a bottle of tartar sauce burning a hole in my pocket and the only thing I could think to serve it with was some fish and chips. I get a bit nervous at the thought of cooking fish, particularly battering fish but if you're going to fail you best have some tartar sauce to back it up.

I was at the markets this morning for a coffee on the river with some friends and took the opportunity to visit the fishmonger. I was specifically looking for whiting but there were nice little boxes of gar for $5 so I went with that. I asked my friend how many fillets would be appropriate for two big eaters and he suggested 8 which I thought seemed reasonable. 15 fillets was definitely too many.

There's no batter option than a beer batter so I then had to take myself up to the bottle-o this afternoon (because I'd already drunk all the beer from yesterday's visit) to source the second secret ingredient.

I was really happy with the batter and the fry on the fish and was really happy that at the last minute I remembered I had bought lemon to go with dinner.

I was a little disappointed that, in the end, there turned out to be only about a tablespoon of tartar sauce left....especially given we have piles and piles of fish left to eat.

1 comment:

G said...

They say fish is brain food. Though Biggs may have temporarily lost her mind by cooking so much fish, she's no dummy when when it comes to batter. It's about the only time I've ever had a beer battered anything where you could taste the beer.

I still have yet to try battered fish and sriracha - fortunately there is enough fish left for me to fulfill that long held dream.