Thursday 10 April 2014

Rougail Sausage (by G)

I was watching Foodie Planet with Julie Andrieu on the weekend - she was on le Reunion Island, France and ate sausage stew (among other things).   I like sausages so I decided to make it for dinner - I was going to wait for a time when Biggs was not home, but it looked too good not to share.

The recipe I downloaded was a bit vague on quantities and timings but the general idea is to prick and blanch some sausages, fry them with some onion, then simmer slowly with the tomato rougail (tomatoes, garlic, ginger, chilli (I used habanero rather than bird pepper - whatever that is), lime zest (regular, not the kaffir called for in the recipe)).

The recipe calls for mixed legumes to be mixed with turmeric and fresh thyme to top the rice, I got a can of 4 bean salad and tossed that, with the turmeric and thyme, in with the sausages because I'm lazy and only wanted to use one pot.  I had to use dried thyme because I could not find the fresh stuff in the supermarket (we are supposed to be living in a democracy but apparently not everyone is entitled to fresh thyme as they are in France - the land of the free).

I served pepper on the edge of the plate as the recipe said you must always do.

I was dubious about the ginger but this recipe turned out to be quite the cracker or il n'était pas trop mal as they say in the France.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I liked the sausages and the ginger was nicely warming.

Many many rice dishes this week but this one was....not too bad.