Monday 7 April 2014

Pork and Potato (by Biggs)

G and I both had a very very late night watching the Formula One so were a bit worse for wear today.

Whatever was for dinner was going to have to be very easy in the making. I was so tired I almost felt hungover even though I didn't have a drop of alcohol yesterday (rare for a Sunday) so I decided to focus on food I like eating when I am hungover - pork and bacon. You'll notice there's no bacon in this photo....that's because I couldn't handle waiting at the deli counter while two retirees dithered about buying a cube of feta at a time. After abandoning the bacon plan I decided mushrooms were a good substitute.

Then I went to get a bag of peas but somehow came out of the grocery store with a bag of potato things and some packet gravy. Dinner planning done.

I was frustrated when I got home and noticed how thick the pork was (about 2 inches) and realised how much effort would go into cooking it.....render off the fat while the pan was heating, fry on high heat to brown it, turn the heat down to cook through, dump it in the oven for good luck and some cutting board time to rest. Far more effort than I was originally committed to.

Dinner was fine. It's done and that's the main thing.

1 comment:

G said...

I am 100% glad I didn't have to provide dinner tonight - I was super hungry but very unmotivated to do anything. Luckily Biggs came to the rescue. Pork, potatoes and mushrooms are always a winner.

I would write something more enlightening about dinner but it has taken me 15 minutes to think of the generic comment above - and I still have to prove I'm not a robot, which is difficult at the best of times but neigh on impossible when I'm tired.